This guide overviews all sub-dashboards of Gateway Dashboard for remote configuration.
For purpose of this guide, we will use following things:
- Locally installed instance of Klyff platform (How to install you can read here).
- Klyff IoT Gateway (How to install you can read here).
Resources (OPTIONAL):
Dashboard overview
Gateway List
This dashboard displays all your gateways and all the necessary details about them, namely:
- Date and time of creation;
- Name of the gateway;
- Status (Active/Inactive);
- Number of active connectors;
- Gateway version.
And also navigation elements:
- Docker command - when clicked, a modal window opens with a command to launch the gateway;
- Gateway configuration - when clicked, a modal window with general gateway settings opens;
- Connectors - when clicked, a page for managing and configuring connectors opens.
Also, on this page, you can create a new gateway, as well as sort them according to the parameters described above.
Gateway Dashboard
If you select a gateway and click on it, you will be transferred to the dashboard of the selected gateway.
The dashboard consists of 4 main widgets:
- General gateway information, which consists of the following cards:
- Status (Active/Inactive);
- Name of the gateway;
- Type of the gateway;
- Devices (Active/Inactive);
- Connectors (Active/Inactive) with link to Connectors dashboard;
- Errors count with link to Logs dashboard.
- Devices is a table that contains basic information about connected devices through the gateway:
- Device Name;
- Device Type;
- Status (Active/Inactive);
- Connector Name;
- Connector Type;
- As well as elements of filtering and searching for the necessary devices.
- Alarms is a standard alarm widget where you will receive all alarms related to selected gateway;
- Navigation Panel is a navigation panel on which all other dashboards for configuring, managing and monitoring the gateway are located, namely:
- Launch command - a modal window with an auto-generated command for launching the gateway;
- General configuration - dashboard with general gateway settings;
- Connectors configuration - dashboard with management and configuration of connectors;
- Logs - a dashboard with various types of logs (it should be noted that the button is active only when Remote Logging is enabled on the gateway);
- Statistics - a dashboard with general and custom statistics of the gateway;
- Remote Shell - dashboard with Remote Shell (it should be noted that the button is active only when Remote Shell is enabled on the gateway);
- RPC - Gateway RPC sending dashboard.
General Configuration
If you click on the General Configuration button on the gateway dashboard in the Navigation Panel, you will be transferred to the dashboard general settings of the gateway.
The dashboard consists of the following tabs:
General - this tab contains the main settings, namely:
Logs - a tab for setting local and remote logs, which consists of 3 main sections:
Storage - provides configuration for saving incoming data before it is sent to the platform:
GRPC - provides GRPC configuration:
Statistics - in this tab you can configure general statistics, as well as custom statistics:
Other - in this tab, you can configure additional gateway parameters:
Connector Configuration
If you click on the Connectors configuration button on the gateway dashboard in the Navigation Panel, you will be transferred to the Connectors configuration dashboard.
The dashboard consists of two main sections:
- Connectors list - basic information and control elements of all created connectors are displayed here:
- Enabled - enable or disable the connector;
- Name of connector;
- Type of connector;
- Configuration status - displays whether the remote configuration is synchronized with the local configuration;
- Status of the connector - if it is “green” - there are no errors, and the connector is working correctly. If it is “red” - the connector is not working correctly;
- Actions:
- RPC - dashboard for sending RPC through gateway to connector;
- Logs - dashboard with connector logs;
- Delete connectors.
- Connector configuration - fields for configuring the connector are displayed here, namely:
- Name of the connector;
- Type of connector;
- Logging level;
- Configuration.
If you click on the Logs button on the gateway dashboard in the Navigation Panel, you will be transferred to the Logs dashboard.
The dashboard displays the main gateway log information in real time (General, Service, Connection, Storage, Extension):
- Created time;
- Status;
- Message.
If you click on the Statistics button on the gateway dashboard in the Navigation Panel, you will be transferred to the Statistics dashboard.
The dashboard consists of two widgets:
- Gateway General Chart Statistics - general statistics metrics are displayed here, namely:
- Sent To Device - total amount of data sent from the gateway to devices;
- Send To Klyff - the total amount of data sent from the gateway to Klyff;
- Received From Klyff - total amount of data received from RPC and Attribute Updates;
- Converted From Devices - the total number of converted data on the gateway;
- Events Produced - the number of events received from Klyff;
- Events Sent - total number of events sent to Klyff;
- Received From Devices - total amount of data received from devices.
- Gateway Custom Statistics - custom statistics are displayed here, you can select a single metric using select. Also, the far right widget will change its type depending on the type of data (if integer/float data is a graph, the other type is a table).
Remote Shell
If you click on the Remote Shell button on the gateway dashboard in the Navigation Panel, you will be transferred to the Remote Shell dashboard.
The dashboard allows control of the operating system with the gateway from the Remote Shell widget.
If you click on the RPC button on the gateway dashboard in the Navigation Panel, you will be transferred to the Gateway RPC sending dashboard.
The dashboard consists of 3 widgets:
- Service RPC - for sending RPC and viewing the result of command execution:
- Command - service gateway RPC (Ping, Stats, Devices, Update, Version, Restart, Reboot);
- Timeout - command execution time;
- Result - the result of executing the sent command.
- RPS Logs - displays gateway logs when processing the sent RPC;
- RPC debug terminal - widget for debugging gateway RPC.
Next steps
Explore guides related to main Klyff features:
- Data Visualization - how to visualize collected data.
- Device attributes - how to use device attributes.
- Telemetry data collection - how to collect telemetry data.
- Using RPC capabilities - how to send commands to/from devices.
- Rule Engine - how to use rule engine to analyze data from devices.