MQTT Broker
Installation > Cluster setup with Kubernetes on Minikube
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Cluster setup using Minikube

This guide will help you to set up TBMQ in cluster mode using Minikube.


You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you don’t have Minikube installed, please follow these instructions. Additionally, you will need helm to be installed.

Step 1. Clone TBMQ repository

git clone -b release-2.0.0
cd tbmq/k8s/minikube

Step 2. Installation

To install TBMQ execute the following command:


Step 3. Running

Execute the following command to deploy TBMQ:


After a while when all resources will be successfully started you can open http://{your-cluster-ip}:30001 in your browser (e.g. You can check your cluster IP using command:

minikube ip

You should see TBMQ login page. Use the following default credentials for System Administrator:





On the first user log-in you will be asked to change the default password to the preferred one and then re-login using the new credentials.

Step 4. Logs, delete statefulsets and services

In case of any issues, you can examine service logs for errors. For example to see TBMQ node logs execute the following commands:

1) Get the list of the running tb-broker pods:

kubectl get pods -l app=tb-broker

2) Fetch logs of the tb-broker pod:

kubectl logs -f TB_BROKER_POD_NAME


  • TB_BROKER_POD_NAME - tb-broker pod name obtained from the list of the running tb-broker pods.

Or use the next command to see the state of all the pods.

kubectl get pods

Use the next command to see the state of all the services.

kubectl get services

Use the next command to see the state of all the deployments.

kubectl get deployments

Use the next command to see the state of all the statefulsets.

kubectl get statefulsets

See kubectl Cheat Sheet command reference for more details.

Execute the following command to delete TBMQ nodes:


Execute the following command to delete all resources (including database):



Review the release notes and upgrade instruction for detailed information on the latest changes.

Backup and restore (Optional)

While backing up your PostgreSQL database is highly recommended, it is optional before proceeding with the upgrade. For further guidance, follow the next instructions.

Upgrade to 1.3.0

For the TBMQ 1.3.0 version, the installation scripts were updated to contain a new 8084 port for MQTT over WebSockets. This is needed for the correct work with the WebSocket client page.

Please pull the v1.3.0 configuration files or modify your existing ones to include a new port entry. To find more details please visit the following link.

Once the required changes are made, you should be able to connect the MQTT client on the WebSocket client page. Otherwise, please contact us, so we can answer any questions and provide our help if needed.

Run upgrade

In case you would like to upgrade, please pull the recent changes from the latest release branch:

git pull origin release-2.0.0

Note: Make sure custom changes of yours if available are not lost during the merge process.

If you encounter conflicts during the merge process that are not related to your changes, we recommend accepting all the new changes from the remote branch.

You could revert the merge process by executing the following:

git merge --abort

And repeat the merge by accepting theirs changes.

git pull origin release-2.0.0 -X theirs

There are several useful options for the default merge strategy:

  • -X ours - this option forces conflicting hunks to be auto-resolved cleanly by favoring our version.
  • -X theirs - this is the opposite of ours. See more details here.

After that execute the following commands:

./ --fromVersion=FROM_VERSION

Where FROM_VERSION - from which version upgrade should be started. See Upgrade Instructions for valid fromVersion values.

Next steps