Intro/Short summary
This block represents your product and possible integration flow for it, and some additional info that could be useful for customers.
Widget/dashboard example for visualization of the data from your device. You can use already existing widgets with needed changes and modifications, same as created from scratch new one.
Integration flow:
Block 1 Device configuration
- [Step 1.1] List of the devices that can be used with this integration.
- [Step 1.2] Prerequisites (min prerequisites for devices/device versions/required(mandatory) software).
- [Step 1.3] Configuration of devices (setup/programmation/configuration).
Block 2 Klyff configuration (please use PE only recommendations)
Choose one of the suitable methods of integration according to Connectivity diagram below
Integration method
- [Step 2.1] Klyff Prerequisites (e.g. versions/components/etc. - optional).
- [Step 2.2] Uplink/Downlink (may be created basic Up/Down -link).
- [Step 2.3] Integration.
- [Step 2.4] Uplink/Downlink configuration.
or API methods
- [Step 2.1] Device creation process.
- [Step 2.2] Key-value format configuration.
- [Step 2.3] Pulling data process.
or IoT Gateway method
- [Step 2.1] Provide detailed and clear steps for IoT Gateway integration. You can refer to IoT Gateway page.
Block 3 Additional information
- [Step 3.1] Additional integration information (if required).
- [Step 3.2] Troubleshooting steps.
Feedback & Contact Us for your integration
Here you can put the feedback form or assistance page which may help your users with the integration.