Introduction to
Our website is open-sourced. You may find the code of in this repo. Everyone can contribute to the website. The flow is as follows…
- Introduction to
- What is fork
- Local deployment of Klyff documentation repo (website)
- Integration guide pattern
- Push changes & create Pull Request
- Optional steps
What is fork
If you are not familiar with GitHub, please read their documentation or ask a colleague who has an expertise before you proceed. If you have enough knowledge then go through further steps. Ensure that you already have a GitHub account, and you successfully logged in.
- [Step 1. Optional] Install Git on your computer, please refer to Set up Git guide.
- [Step 2. Optional] Connect to GitHub with SSH.
- [Step 3] Open documentation (site) repository.
[Step 4] Fork a repo(refer to Fork a repo guide) of the project.
Whe-e! Starting now you have a copy of our website in your private GitHub repository.
Local deployment of Klyff documentation repo (website)
Now you can launch the website on your local machine to see the up-to-date version. uses jekyll site generator. So, in order to run the website on localhost you need a jekyll server installed.
The below commands set up your environment for running GitHub pages locally. Any edits you make will be viewable on a lightweight webserver that runs on your local machine.
Install Ruby 2.2 or higher. If you’re on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, run these commands:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install make ruby ruby-dev libffi-dev g++ zlib1g-dev
sudo gem install github-pages
sudo gem install jekyll bundler
- If you’re on a Mac, follow these instructions.
- If you’re on a Windows machine you can use the Ruby Installer. During the installation make sure to check the option for Add Ruby executables to your PATH.
Clone our site:
git clone
Make any changes you want. Then, to see your changes locally:
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --host
In case you change the layout or website structure you might need to execute following command:
rm -rf _site .jekyll-metadata && bundle exec jekyll serve --host
or execute the below script from the project root directory:
Your copy of the site will then be viewable at: http://localhost:4000 (or wherever Jekyll tells you).
Integration guide pattern
Use this Sample as a base for your guide. This page is located in a path “/docs/samples/sample/”
Once you open the .md file perform further necessary steps
- [Step 1] Add new directories to the website structure “/docs/samples/YOUR_INTEGRATION_NAME/”.
- [Step 2] Add new directories to the website structure “/images/samples/YOUR_INTEGRATION_NAME/”.
- [Step 3] Create a “” file using the Sample as a base in your newly created directory from [Step 1].
- [Step 4] Store all of your images for your guide in a path “/images/samples/YOUR_INTEGRATION_NAME/”.
- [Step 5] Add your company logo to path “/images/partners/”.
[Step 6] Add your visit-card to “partners.json” which is located via path “/_includes/” & insert name of your company logo file ([Step 5]) into the “logo” in code bellow.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
{ "type": "hardware", "program": "", "name": "YOUR_INTEGRATION_NAME", "logo": "YOUR_LOGO.png", "links": { "Site": { "href": "", "target": "_blank" }, "Integration guide": { "href": "/docs/samples/PATH_TO_YOUR_GUIDE-FILE_FROM_STEP_3/GUIDE-FILE/" } }, "blurb": "YOUR_INTEGRATION_DESCRIPTION." }
"YOUR_INTEGRATION_NAME" - Name of your integration guide
"YOUR_LOGO.png" - Your company/integration logo file from [Step 5]
"" - Site of your company/integration.
"/docs/samples/PATH_TO_YOUR_GUIDE-FILE_FROM_STEP_3/GUIDE-FILE/" - Full path with file name from Repository root.
Push changes & create Pull Request
- [Step 1] Push changes to your fork.
- [Step 2] Create pull request.
Optional steps
You may notify us about your Pull Request (with Pull Request #) via Contact us form or in any other way.